I have this fear…

I have been sitting on this book for so long and I think Angels and Assassins 1's success has something to do with it. Right now, it just doesn't feel good enough. Like, up to standards. And I'm here trying not to have a heart attack thinking I've lost my ability to write as well as entertain... Continue Reading →

Is the A&A series too dark?

As I'm reviewing and editing Book 2 (I did mention that it's in the editing phase, didn't I? Oh...silly me ::wink::), I'm wondering if the A&A Series is too dark based on what I've published in the past. If I'm being honest, I love it and I actually want to get a little bit darker. I would... Continue Reading →

Excerpt (unedited)….

This is the one I've already shared in my reader's group, FYI. No release date yet for A & A 2, but I'm still shooting for a summer slot. Dez & Larke: After one last, quick squeeze, she darted up the path. Even carrying the large contraption, he kept up pretty well, especially since those... Continue Reading →

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