Knight For A Queen – 3/31/2023

* OFFICIAL COVER* PREVIEW EXCERPT Gideon tousled Niko’s hair. “I don’t know yet. I would love to help, but I also don’t want to overstay my wel...” Jordan’s “Mommy” emerged from the doorway. “…come.” Slowly, he rose to his feet. This couldn’t be Anyssa. This could not be the sister whose law practice Pavel had described as... Continue Reading →

Giveaway Winners

Hi! I’ve chosen the winners for both giveaways, and I’ve already emailed you if you’ve been picked! Giveaway #1 winner: Congratulations, LaTasha! Giveaway #2 winner: Congratulations, Michelle!

Giveaway Ideas

I'd like to do a giveaway for the weeks leading up to Moonlight Retribution's release via my newsletter.  As a reader, what are some goodies you find that you like to get from authors?

Book 2: Moonlight Retribution

A First Look at Book 2 of the International Mafia Series Disclaimer: Unedited excerpt; subject to change. Mounds of dirt rose from the soft earth. Underneath lay trenches that had been made by small hands—nine oblongs, some deeper than the others with caved and crumbling edges and corners. However, though the earth was soft, it... Continue Reading →

Joel & Ayesha – One Late Night

Joel pressed his knuckles against his chest, but it wouldn’t do a thing to soothe the burning ache. Sydney was dating. He hadn’t been able to so much as take another woman seriously and there she was, at one of their favorite restaurants, laughing and smiling with some handsome, bald motherfucker.  He’d gone to pick up takeout... Continue Reading →

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