So, what IS Angels and Assassins about?

Tayler, a pediatric oncologist working in the small town of Yearwood, NC, stumbles upon Gage’s nearly lifeless body one night when leaving work. While phoning for help, Gage makes one last declaration that sends chills straight to her bones: “Just let me die, love.”

Convinced that he didn’t mean it, Tayler still helps him get through what Gage had intended to be his last night. As a way to return the favor, he offers to head a home remodel project for a house bequeathed to her in one of her patient’s late great-grandfather’s will. However, when he encounters something in the woods, something that acts very much like a predator with its sights set on Tayler, he realizes that what he now owes her is worth much more than a renovation.

The thing about writing is, you can have an entire plan in your head, even before you start typing, but then your characters will hit you with the “do or do not, there is no try” when you TRY to make them do what they don’t want to do. I love the premise of Fated and Grandma Evelyn’s punch because it encompasses my Caribbean culture, but I did deviate slightly from that premise in this story simply because Gage is a beast and it just didn’t fit his persona (did I mention that I’m in love with him???)

I also wanted to use this story to sashay back to my love of romantic-suspense writing and introduce you guys to The Group. Dez was the first group member I created back in June 2013. Julien came next, then Huang, Gage, and finally…Giorgio (let’s just say, if Gage is a beast, Giorgio is a monster).

After Kellen’s story to round out the Ethan–Tayler–Kellen saga, I’ll be moving on to the rest of my assassins. I might even throw a surprise novel in between all of this goodness, but I’ll be starting a Facebook Group soon that I’ll be using to host book chats, book giveaways, and other freebies (Amazon gift-cards, beauty products, gift baskets, etc) to my fellow lit lovers.



5 thoughts on “So, what IS Angels and Assassins about?

  1. Love your books. The alpa mens are sexy, story line is interesting can’t put it down. When I tell nothing get done in my house. Keep writing. I will be reading.

    Liked by 1 person

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